Upcoming chapters

Upcoming chapters#

Other topics which are covered in the course, but the corresponding chapters are not yet online and are to appear:

  • Surrogates

  • Neural networks with Flax

  • Bayesian neural networks

  • So, why Numpyro?

  • Variational inference

  • Introduction to deep generative models

  • Variational autoencoders (VAEs), normalising flows (NFs)

  • Deep generative surrogates and PriorCVAE

Further interesting topics which the course might not have time to cover (but I might add them to the online version in the future):

  • Bayesian regularisation from optimisation perspective

  • Laplace approximation

  • Bayesian optimisation

  • Active learning

  • Renewal equation

  • Hilbert Space Gaussian Process approximation (HSGP)