Teaching a workshop on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing.

07 Jan 2018

Last October together with Alex and Maria we submitted our proposal for a workshop at Applied Machine Learning Days 2018 at EPFL. Surprise - it was accepted!! This means that on the 27th January 2018 we will give a full day workshop “Machine Learning for News: Theory, Applications and Visualisation in Python”

Since the day when this information became public people are showering us with questions regarding prerequisites, an overall plan, content and whether the created material will be available for non-participants. As a response I have created a repository, where prior to the workshop I may post the overall plan and some teaser material and after the workshop a more extended version of the material.

The overall plan of the Deep Learning component is already in the

For more posts on this topic from my-self and co-creators of the workshop follow these links:

Can’t wait to see you in Lausanne in January!

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